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Book: The Darkroom Cookbook

The Darkroom Cookbook

By Steve G. Anchell
Published in 2008 by Focal Press
Originally published in 2000
Rating: 4.0 / 5


This book shares tried-and-true techniques for the silver-based process and provides the keys to unlocking creativity through the mastery of the ‘ingredients’ of photography - namely the chemicals used to develop, fix, stop and tone. The Darkroom Cookbook, 2nd Edition offers 170 photographic formulas, 20 of which are new to this edition, that cover film developing, paper developing, toners, stop baths, fixers, negative reductions, print reductions, negative intensifiers, paper intensifiers, and more. New information has been added on pyro developer, amidol developer, monobaths, pushing film, and low contrast development. Sections on safety and darkroom planning, as well as a listing of chemical suppliers, complete this book.
