I’m in Halifax, NS, Canada Flag of Canada  |  🌙 It’s 0° at 6:12am

Afternoon siesta, Queen and Bay

Afternoon siesta, Queen and Bay

Last week I was in Toronto for a quick holiday visiting my family and doing a little walking around. On day one my sister dropped me off on her way to work and I started what would turn out to be about 10km of walking on a hot day, weaving my way through the city, stopping for coffee with my brother, ducking into air conditioned malls and generally just finding interesting things to shoot.

I found myself at Nathan Phillips Square as many tourists do and decided to see what I could see from the raised walkway. People don’t really go up there but it can be a nice vantage point for some things. I caught this fellow having an afternoon nap, he probably started in full shade but there’s no hiding from the sun for too long.
