I’m in Halifax, NS, Canada Flag of Canada  |  🌙 It’s 5° at 10:09pm

Bridge at Peskowesk Brook

Bridge at Peskowesk Brook

About 15 kilometres along the trail from the parking lot at Grafton Brook is Peskowesk Brook. This is also the location of the second of two backcountry yurts available during the winter months at Kejimkujik National Park. On the first of two nights staying at this yurt, it snowed and left a beautiful blanket of fresh snow over everything. And because we were so far from anyone, it was completely untouched and ready for us to photograph as much as we could. It’s a rare thing to come across something that hasn’t had people leave their mark all over it, and it was slightly unnerving to look out the door of the yurt up and down the trail and not see any footprints for as far as I could see.

I like the combination of the structure of the bridge and the tunnel of trees up the trail, all covered with a clean white blanket of snow. The curve in the trail adds a hint of mystery. People think I’m a little crazy for wanting to sleep in a yurt in the middle of nowhere, in the middle of winter. There are lots of reasons why I disagree. High up on the list is having the opportunity to experience mornings like this.
