I’m in Halifax, NS, Canada Flag of Canada  |  🌙 It’s 0° at 6:04am



Graffiti like this always makes me think. I wonder about the person who made it and how they wrote the letters in those little spaces. Mostly though I wonder about why that person decided to write that word in that spot. And in this case, I like how the rust from the fence looks like it’s bleeding down the concrete wall. I can’t say I’m a fan of most graffiti — I find it’s mostly gaudy and obnoxious — but here it’s more thoughtful.

I don’t know why this shot came out a little blurry. I don’t have one of those fancy autofocus cameras so I’m usually very careful about focus and take my time with it. Here though, I think it adds a little something to the shot. Normally something like this would drive me a little crazy but I’m willing to let it go this time.
