I’m in Halifax, NS, Canada Flag of Canada  |  It’s 8° at 4:30pm

A crooked tree leans completely over a twisted boardwalk in a thick forest

A wet walk in the woods

I was too tired when I got home last night to post a photo from my long weekend in the backcountry, so here it is.

It rained a bit, the wind blew a bit, the bugs weren’t terrible, spent almost 6 hours in a canoe, and I was away from both my desk and any kind of internet connection. Amazing.

On a mostly rainy Sunday I donned my rain poncho and did a bit of hiking and exploring around site 45 in the backcountry of Kejimkujik National Park. This is a boardwalk over Torment Brook at the east end of frozen Ocean Lake. As I’ve said before, I’m a sucker for a boardwalk in the backcountry, I can’t help take a photo. I hope to write a longer article and have more photos in the near future.
