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Book: Daydreams of Angels

Daydreams of Angels

By Heather O'Neill
Published in 2015 by Farrar, Straus and Giroux
Finished reading: January 13th, 2017
Rating: 3.0 / 5


In Daydreams of Angels, O’Neill’s first collection of short stories, she gives free rein to her imaginative gifts. In “The Ugly Ducklings,” generations of Nureyev clones live out their lives in a grand Soviet experiment. In “Dear Piglet,” a teenaged cult follower writes a letter to explain the motivation behind her crime. And in another tale, a grandmother reveals where babies come from: the beach, where young mothers-to-be hunt for infants in the surf. Each of these beguiling stories twists the beloved narratives of childhood — fairy tales, storybooks, Bible stories — to uncover the deepest truths of family life.
