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Book: A Red Herring Without Mustard (Flavia de Luce, #3)

A Red Herring Without Mustard (Flavia de Luce, #3)

By Alan Bradley
Published in 2011 by Doubleday Canada
Finished reading: August 1st, 2011
Rating: 4.0 / 5


“You frighten me,” the old Gypsy woman says. “Never have I seen my crystal ball so filled with darkness.” So begins eleven-year-old Flavia de Luce’s third adventure through the charming but deceptively dark byways of the village of Bishop’s Lacey. The fortune teller also claims to see a woman who is lost and needs help to get home—and Flavia knows it must be her mother Harriet, who died when Flavia was less than a year old. The Gypsy’s vision opens up old wounds for our precocious yet haunted heroine, and sets her mind racing in search of what it could mean.
