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Book: All Times Have Been Modern

All Times Have Been Modern

By Elisabeth Harvor
Published in 2004 by Penguin Books Canada
Rating: 3.0 / 5


the story of an education of the heart that becomes an education in the world. After Kay marries Alexander Oleski, a Polish émigré she meets the summer she turns twenty, she travels to Europe and writes a slim novel, igniting grand dreams for herself as a writer. But fallow years follow. When her marriage comes to an end in the 1980s, she decides to move to Montreal and dedicate herself to writing. But in Montreal the life she has planned for herself is interrupted when she falls in love with an architect. Liberating, unpredictable, All Times Have Been Modern is a virtuoso novel that explores the confounding ways that life and fiction collide and overlap. It also raises unsettling questions about the conflicts between love and identity, intimacy and solitude, emotional intensity and what endures.
