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West River at Site 22, Kejimkujik National Park

West River at Site 22, Kejimkujik National Park

This past long weekend I canoed into the backcountry of Kejimkujik National Park as I do most years. This time the usual group of friends was down a member but that didn’t stop us from getting out there and enjoying the bugs and the rain.

It wasn’t the most welcoming weather that weekend, mostly overcast and totally bug-filled. It’s been such a wet, cold spring that I think the bugs were happy to see some warm-blooded creatures. It would have been unbearable if it weren’t for our bug nets and some smoke from the campfire. The weather and the bugs made for a very quiet backcountry this year. On the two-plus hour paddle back across Kejimkujik Lake to the landing we saw only one other canoe and they were just puttering about close to shore near the frontcountry campground.

Since our campsite was right on the river again this year I decided to bring my tripod and try to get some long exposure shots of the river. The water was flowing quite fast thanks to all the rain so I didn’t need too long of a shutter speed to get some nice smooth water.
