I’m in Halifax, NS, Canada Flag of Canada  |  🌙 It’s 0° at 5:12am

Toward PEI

Toward PEI

This is the Confederation Bridge, a 12.9 kilometre link between New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island. It’s the longest bridge in the world that crosses ice-covered water. This is the New Brunswick end, and waaaay over there is Prince Edward Island. It’s a pretty amazing bridge, the view from up there is incredible. On our drive over there was a bit of construction that forced us to stop on the bridge, giving us a chance to check out the incredible perspective. I was in awe, so by the time I thought of hopping out of the car to take a decent photo we were on our way again. Oh well.

On the way back we stopped back on the New Brunswick end of the bridge where you can get right underneath it if you’re brave. I imagine when there’s a storm it’s a scary place to be. On this day though the weather was perfect so I took a few photos while I had the chance.
