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Book: Dead in Halifax

Dead in Halifax

By Craig Ferguson
Published in 2022 by Formac
Finished reading: April 10th, 2023
Rating: 4.0 / 5


An amazing array of people have lived – and died – in Halifax since the arrival of English settlers in 1749. In this book author Craig Ferguson recounts the life stories of fascinating characters as well as ordinary people with extraordinary experiences who are buried in downtown Halifax’s historic cemeteries.

The book features more than 50 individuals and their adventures — from scoundrels to heroes, children to generals, fire chiefs to pilots, and everything in between. There’s new light cast on the lives of better known Nova Scotians too, including Robert Stanfield, Joseph Howe and Viola Desmond. Harsh realities emerge regarding the city’s past, as Craig Ferguson explores the segregation of African Nova Scotians even after death in a section of the Camp Hill cemetery.


History isn’t in a museum, a book or a documentary. We are not just living in a moment that will someday be history. We’re living in history, rolling around in it like a dog in the mud.


An excellent overview of many of the characters that make up the history of Halifax. I particularly enjoyed making the connections between historical names and the present-day streets and neighbourhoods where I live. reading this sties puts a human face on many of the places I walk past every day and take for granted. I know I’ll now be looking differently at the city around me on my walks to work, to see friends, even sitting on a sunny patio.
