I’m in Halifax, NS, Canada Flag of Canada  |  ☁️ It’s 3° at 2:38am

Street festival, 6th Avenue

Street festival, 6th Avenue

On our way back up through midtown we came across a massive street festival along 6th Avenue. It stretched for blocks and blocks and it seemed the sea of people never ended. There were neighbourhood festivals all over the city that weekend, with vendors of all kinds, food stalls and tons of performers. It really made the city come to life. It was a little surprising, then it felt completely natural to have all these people in the streets hanging out together having fun and getting along.

I wish cities like Halifax would do more of this sort of thing. If NYC can shut down blocks and blocks of major downtown streets on the weekend to get people together and promote local businesses, there’s no reason — other than lack of vision — to do this here. Anyway, it was great to be a small part of this fun. You can see the Radio City Music Hall sign up on the right, about four blocks up.
