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Old Town Clock, World Pinhole Day

Old Town Clock, World Pinhole Day

This is my submission for 2010 World Pinhole Photography Day. It’s the Old Town Clock here in Halifax, a recognizable landmark around here if ever there was one. It was built on order of Prince Edward, Duke of Kent and went into service in October of 1803.

As you might imagine, I got a few strange looks carrying my tiny little wooden box camera around. It looks absolutely ridiculous attached to my giant tripod, but when every exposure is a long exposure, you have deal with the looks. It’s worth it though, lensless photography is fun every now and then. It lends a strange slightly unfocussed dreamlike quality to an image. I find it frees me a little from the clinical process photography tends to be. It puts a smile on my face when measuring shutter speeds in steamboats or by time ticking away on a watch.
